Dear Alumni,
a warm greeting to all, and welcome in this place dedicated to young people.
On the occasion of the XV General Congress of OMAEC, which has celebrated the 50th of its founding, the General Assembly has appointed me President of Young OMAEC. It is a great honor that I have accepted with emotion, well knowing the great responsibility that this task implies.
We can not ignore that the Catholic school is living a moment of great difficulty, but I have a great confidence in all young people and their potential.
It is not important what I shall do, it is important what we shall do together.
For this reason, it is necessary to form a network of information (also through Facebook, Twitter and this Website) with the International Confederations, and increase the commitment of all to promote OMAEC and its actitities.
I am at your complete disposal for your questions, proposals and creative ideas.
A well-loving hug for every one of you
Marco Anguissola di San Damiano